The Personal menu is a list of tabs that contains all information about the user, which will help you access and edit any of your information. Your profile provides the ability to modify personal information, including adding or deleting.
– The public profile allows you to display your information and achievements outside the system, and you can share it on other sites.
– The system also offers a private storage unit within OneDrive for saving your files and recordings of virtual classes, with the ability to reshare them with your students by linking your Microsoft account. It also allows linking your account with Google to share files with your students.
– Active sessions: This includes information about the number of devices used to access your account, changing the system language, and the ability to log out of your account.
Personal Menu Contents : #

- Edit Profile in which you will find all your profile settings.
- Public Profile that shows you how others can view your profile. You can manage it from Edit Profile.
- Font Size by which you can enlarge the default interface font size.
- Dark Theme to turn on the dark theme of the interface.
- Language Switcher
- Log Out button to log out from your account in LMS.