The most commonly used testing styles in the Learning Management System (LMS) include the following, which help teachers
These are the most used exam styles offered by LMS to help teachers organize exams in more than one style:
- Question By Question Exam
- This exam style has a few settings that allow the teacher to add time per question. Those features will be highlighted on the exam settings page.
- Classic Exam Style
- This is the classic exam style, in which all questions appear to the students.
- Attachment Exam
- It could be helpful in Project / Research-based examinations.
- Import Exam
- This feature allows you to upload and import an exam in QTI format.
- Offline Exam
- This style allows you to grade paper exams and use our statistics to see students’ performance.
- Generate Exam
- This style allows you to create an exam in seconds; you can choose several questions and their settings, and you are set! The questions are generated from LMS’s rich question bank.
- Adaptive Exam
- It is an evaluation exam used by the teacher to determine the level of knowledge and acquaintance the student has gained through the course.