On this page, you can search for an absences summary report, send an SMS to selected users, and send absence letters to students.

To Search for an Absences Summary Report: #
  1. Click on the student list from the main menu, then, click on absence summary.
  2. Specify the starting date of your absence report in the field called “From”.
  3. Specify the ending date for your absence report in the field called “To”.
  4. Determine the type of absence in the field called “Kind of Absence”.
  5. اضغط على "بحث" لعرض التقرير.
  6. Select the checkbox to select all students, then, export the report to an excel sheet.
لإرسال رسالة نصية قصيرة إلى المستخدمين المحددين: #
  1. Select the template of the SMS that you want to send to the parent.
  2. The SMS templates should be added by the system administrator. So, if you cannot find any templates, ask the system admin to add them.
  3. اكتب محتوى الرسالة.
  4. You can choose to send the message to the selected students.
  5. You can choose to send the message to the parents of the selected students.
  6. اضغط علي زر "إرسال" لإرسال الرسالة.
To Send Absence Letters to Students: #

1. Specify a letter template from the “Letter Template” drop-down list to send an absence letter.

ملاحظة The letter templates should be added by the system administrator.

2. Choose the start date of the absences series.

3. Choose the end date of the absences series.

4. Choose the start of the absence count.

5. Choose the end of the absence count.

6. You can choose if you want to add excused absences or not by clicking on its checkbox.

7. Use the filter to choose the range of students that you are going to send the letter to them:
– Students in a specific stage.
– Students at a specific level.
– Students in a specific section.

8. Start searching for the students regarding your search criteria and send the letter to them.